Catharsis, a video series consisting of 3 episodes where Steven Elbers and Gil Gomes Leal embodied Gil’s journey from psychosis to union with himself and others, through dance and video. Catharsis 1 The beginning of a new cycle that started from a disruption between reality and illusion. Catharsis 2 A story in which Gil faces the first relationship he has in this life. A relationship that got damaged and subconsciously contributed to shaping him into the person he is today. 'Return to feminine' is an ode to his Anima and the female Archetypes. Catharsis 3 A visual that tells the story of a new phase. A phase where one's experiences and difficult lessons can function as great lessons and stepping stones for the ones to follow. The bond between master and pupil, where healing and learning take place in both ways. Where we speak without sound